Today's digital signature technology is principally effective in a vertically integrated environment. One of the most serious hurdles is the necessity (under the current implementation) of both sender and receiver being at least somewhat savvy to digital signatures in order to make the whole process work as intended. Integrating digital signatures and electronic documents into these workflows without replacing the whole system often doesn't appeal. Most legal and other paper-document workflows are rooted in filing cabinets and fax machines because paper remains the one document medium that is reliably horizontal - i.e., moves easily between organizations. Where digital signatures are gaining in implementation, such as in Belgium, privacy concerns have followed.īeyond the technical, representational and privacy issues, potent business-cultural and usage barriers to digital signature implementation remain as well. Digital signature key systems, signature devices and the other accoutrement of secure electronic documents remain arcane to all but the well-initiated. Digital signatures are not yet regarded as legal in many jurisdictions, and most approaches to implementation remain organized around the technology rather than the user, akin to the well-understood role of the ballpoint pen. Of course, it's not all up to Adobe, or any other single vendor in the digital signature world.

There were a few recent rollouts of digital signatures on a large scale, such as in Belgium, but these remain few and modest compared to the concept's clear potential. The infrastructure for digital signatures exists in Acrobat, but vendors in this space must do a lot better before digital signatures - in PDF files and otherwise - become a significant part of everyday reality.
PDF digital signatures are beginning to emerge as a viable solution to keeping the "inking" process in the digital realm.